Can Insurance Adjusters Lie in Florida?

There were 395,887 car wrecks in Florida in 2022. While many were relatively minor fender-benders that didn’t involve insurance claims, thousands of others resulted in severe injuries and deaths. Victims and family members filed lawsuits against the insurance companies covering the at-fault drivers. This, of course, meant the involvement of insurance adjusters.

Navigating the world of insurance claims can be complex and daunting, especially when dealing with adjusters. According to the Insurance Journal, there are about 175,000 of them in Florida. These professionals play a crucial role in the claims process, but concerns about their honesty and tactics aren’t uncommon. The following is a look at some tricks adjusters try to play to deny legitimate claims.

You don’t have to accept this unethical behavior. An attorney with The Eberst Law Firm will stand up for your rights and help you get every dollar you have coming, whether you’ve suffered an injury in a car wreck, slip and fall, or any other type of accident that wasn’t your fault. Schedule a free consultation by contacting us online or calling 1-888-CALL-JON.

What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

Insurance adjusters evaluate and manage insurance claims. They assess the extent of damages, injuries, or losses covered by the insurance policy and determine the appropriate compensation. Their responsibilities include investigating claims, communicating with claimants, negotiating settlements, and working to protect the insurer’s financial interests.

Why Do Insurance Adjusters Lie?

While not all insurance adjusters lie, there might be motivations behind dishonest tactics. Some adjusters aim to minimize payouts to save the insurance company money. Others might feel pressure to close cases quickly, potentially leading to rushed or inaccurate assessments. Regardless of the reasons, it’s essential to be aware of potential misinformation and take steps to protect your rights.

Are Insurance Adjusters Legally Allowed to Lie?

Adjusters must adhere to ethical standards and act in good faith during the claims process. Deliberately providing false information or misleading claimants could be considered bad faith behavior, which Florida law prohibits. However, proving dishonesty can be challenging. While lying might not be explicitly allowed, adjusters might employ tactics that border on misinformation to protect their company’s interests.

Common Lies that Insurance Adjusters Tell

At The Eberst Law Firm, we’ve seen a lot of examples of adjusters using questionable tactics to intimidate claimants. These are just a few of them.

You’re Required to Give a Recorded Statement

These high-paid professionals often pressure claimants into providing a recorded statement, creating the illusion that it’s a mandatory step in the claims process. They might emphasize that this statement is crucial for accurately assessing the situation and determining liability.

While it’s true that providing information is essential for the claims process, you’re not legally obligated to provide a recorded statement. Giving one without proper legal guidance can be risky. Insurance adjusters can use your words against you to minimize your claim. Consult with an attorney instead of hastily agreeing to provide a recorded statement.

Legal professionals can help you understand your rights, ensure your statement is accurate, and protect your interests.

You Must Give Them Your Social Security Number

Insurance adjusters may assert that providing your Social Security number (SSN) is a mandatory part of the claims process. They might justify this request by stating that it’s required to verify your identity and process your claim efficiently.

There are instances where providing your SSN is necessary, but exercise caution. Providing your SSN without fully understanding why it’s needed can put your personal information at risk of identity theft or misuse. Before divulging sensitive information, verify the purpose behind the request and ensure that whoever handles your personal data will keep it secure.

You Don’t Need to Hire a Lawyer

Some insurance adjusters might downplay the significance of legal representation, implying that hiring a lawyer will only complicate matters. They may suggest you don’t need outside help to handle the claims process smoothly. However, it’s important to remember that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company and have their interests in mind.

An attorney with experience in insurance claims can provide you with an objective assessment of your case, protect your rights, and advocate for the compensation you deserve. Insurance claims involve complex legal matters, negotiations, and potential legal pitfalls. A lawyer will even the playing field and work passionately for the compensation you have coming.

They Can’t Increase Your Settlement Offer

Following a claim submission, you might receive an initial settlement offer that seems far below the actual value of your claim. Insurance adjusters might insist that the offer is fixed and non-negotiable, making it appear that their hands are tied. In reality, negotiations are a standard part of the claims process.

The initial offer is often a starting point for discussions. Legal representation can significantly impact negotiations, helping you secure a more favorable settlement that accurately reflects your losses. An attorney can assess the value of your claim, gather evidence, and engage in negotiations to ensure that you receive fair compensation. If the insurer refuses to settle, your attorney will be prepared to take them to court.

You Must Settle Before a Certain Date

Insurance adjusters might employ tactics to create a sense of urgency, pressuring you to accept a settlement offer before a specified date. They might insinuate that waiting longer could jeopardize your chances of receiving compensation.

It’s true that Florida has a two-year statute of limitations in most personal injury cases stemming from negligence. If you don’t take legal action before the statute runs out, you won’t have any other way to get the money you deserve from the at-fault party.

However, it’s essential to remember that you have the right to take your time, evaluate the offer, and seek professional advice before deciding. Rushing into a settlement without fully understanding its implications can be a huge mistake. Consulting with legal experts and understanding the full scope of your losses can help you make an informed decision.

You Must Accept Fault

In an attempt to minimize the insurance company’s liability, adjusters might employ manipulative tactics, suggesting that you were at fault for the incident. This can lead to self-doubt and confusion about the actual circumstances.

It’s crucial to consult with attorneys who can objectively assess the situation and provide accurate guidance. Accepting fault without understanding the facts can harm your claim’s value and weaken your negotiating position. Legal experts can analyze evidence, evaluate liability, and objectively assess your situation.

Hire The Eberst Law Firm to Fight Back Against Insurance Adjusters & Get the Compensation You’re Owed

The Eberst Law Firm has a team of lawyers who have seen every tactic insurance adjusters use. More importantly, we know how to defeat those tactics. When you have us by your side, you can rest easy knowing we’ll always protect your rights and work in your best interests. Please call 1-888-CALL-JON or use our online form for a free case evaluation.

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Picture of Attorney Jon Eberst

Attorney Jon Eberst

Jonathan Eberst, the driving force behind The Eberst Law Firm, is known in his community and across Florida for knowledge and skill in the personal injury industry. Respected for his friendly and help attitude, he has consistently helped thousands of clients, ensuring their rights are upheld. Jon's profound expertise makes him a sought-after voice in the legal community, both online and in-person.

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