Do Insurance Companies Investigate Injury Claims?


  • Insurance companies aggressively investigate injury claims to determine their validity.
  • Their investigations begin immediately when evidence is fresh.
  • Insurers send investigators to the accident scene and also analyze police reports.
  • Injury victims often damage their cases by posting on social media.
  • A skilled attorney can perform their own investigation and help clients avoid social media pitfalls.

Do Insurance Companies Investigate Injury Claims - Eberst Law

Do insurance companies investigate injury claims and deny them as a result? The short answer is “Yes.” Understanding the intricacies of this process is pivotal in getting the money you deserve. Here’s a look at the when, how, and what of insurance company investigations, shedding light on the factors that can impact the outcome of your claim.

The insurer is going to act quickly to investigate. An insurance company employee might be investigating as you read this article. That’s why you need to act just as quickly to hire a personal injury lawyer. The Eberst Law Firm is ready to help, staffed with a team of attorneys who also know how to thoroughly investigate accidents and work to secure maximum compensation for our clients.

Please don’t hesitate to call 772-225-5566 or contact us online for a free consultation.

When Do Insurance Companies Investigate?

Insurance companies are susceptible to fraud. The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates about $40 billion in insurance fraud happens yearly. Florida and New York have the highest rates of car insurance fraud in the country.

So, the insurer in your case will go to great lengths to determine your claim’s validity, no matter what kind of accident caused your injury.

That’s a big reason why insurance companies don’t waste time when it comes to investigating injury claims. The process begins the moment someone files a claim.

Whether you’ve experienced a car accident, a slip and fall, or any other incident resulting in an injury claim, the wheels of the investigation start turning immediately. The purpose is to gather essential information while the details are still fresh.

Why a Timely Investigation is Essential

Timing is of the essence in insurance investigations. The immediacy of the process allows insurance companies to capture the nuances of the incident when memories are vivid, and evidence is more readily available.

A prompt investigation helps secure accurate details, preventing potential distortions or fading recollections. The goal is to comprehensively understand the events leading to the injury, laying the groundwork for their evaluation.

That’s why hiring an attorney is so critical. Your lawyer must begin their investigation quickly to collect evidence before it disappears. If the insurer has evidence and you don’t, that will significantly damage your chances of winning your case.

How Do Insurance Companies Investigate?

Insurance adjusters often go to the accident scene. Here, they assess damages firsthand and gather additional information that might not be apparent in documents.

In the aftermath of car accidents, for example, adjusters may inspect vehicles, evaluate road conditions, and photograph the scene. This on-site investigation aims to create a more accurate portrayal of how the accident happened.

In some instances, insurance companies bring in independent investigators. These professionals specialize in scrutinizing claims impartially. Their role may involve interviewing witnesses, reenacting incidents, obtaining video footage, or consulting with experts in specific fields.

Investigations typically involve obtaining critical documents such as police reports, medical records, and statements from all involved parties, including witnesses. Here’s a brief look at how each plays a crucial role in an accident investigation.

  • Medical records – Scrutinizing medical records is a common practice to verify the nature and extent of claimed injuries. This involves reviewing diagnoses, treatment plans, and medical expenses to determine the legitimacy of the medical aspects of the claim.
  • Police reports – For incidents involving law enforcement, such as car accidents resulting in an injury, insurance companies rely on police reports to establish the sequence of events and determine fault. These reports provide a crucial foundation for understanding the circumstances surrounding the incident.
  • Witness statements – Statements from witnesses are pivotal in corroborating or challenging the injured party’s account. Insurance adjusters contact witnesses to gather additional perspectives, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the events.

Social Media Investigations

Social media has become a crucial tool for insurance adjusters. Surveillance through social media platforms allows adjusters to scrutinize every aspect of a claimant’s online presence. This surveillance includes meticulously examining photos, videos, and posts.

Social media can affect your personal injury claim if the investigator finds evidence that undermines or contradicts the injuries claimed.

The following are some aspects of an insurance company’s social media investigation.

Contradicting Injuries

Insurance adjusters closely inspect photos and videos posted by claimants. Suppose someone claims a severe back injury but posts pictures playing basketball. That directly contradicts the claim and damages the claimant’s credibility.

Lifestyle Discrepancies

Beyond injuries, social media provides a glimpse into a claimant’s lifestyle. Adjusters may look for posts suggesting an active or adventurous lifestyle inconsistent with reported impairments. A person claiming to have a severe leg injury, for example, might post that they went dancing the night before.

Insurers can use findings to challenge the physical limitations victims claim to have, raising questions about the injury’s legitimacy.

Inconsistencies with Reported Injuries

Posts or comments deviating from the reported injuries become crucial investigation points. If a claimant describes an incident one way in an official statement but posts conflicting details online, it raises questions about the accuracy of the reported events.

Privacy Settings

Privacy settings can also influence the dynamics of social media investigations. While some individuals maintain stringent privacy controls on their profiles, others share information openly. Insurance companies can access information that could influence the evaluation of a claim.

Public Information Access

Even with strict privacy settings, certain information remains public. Insurance adjusters leverage this publicly accessible data to gather insights into a claimant’s life. Public posts, profile pictures, and basic information become fair game in the investigative process.

Consider Staying Off of Social Media During Your Case

These are just some reasons you should never post anything accident-related on social media after an accident. The insurer is waiting for you to make a mistake and twist information they found on social media to damage your case. Insurance companies regularly do this, even when claims are legitimate.

Contact The Eberst Law Firm So We Can Fight the Insurance Company

The question isn’t whether insurance companies investigate; it’s about understanding the depth and breadth of their investigative efforts. The insurance company’s quest for information is relentless.

A skilled attorney with The Eberst Law Firm will fight to protect your rights and ensure your claim stands on solid ground. We’ll investigate immediately and warn you of the potential social media pitfalls that could hurt your case.

Contact us immediately by using our online form or calling 772-225-5566 for a free case review.


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Picture of Attorney Jon Eberst

Attorney Jon Eberst

Jonathan Eberst, the driving force behind The Eberst Law Firm, is known in his community and across Florida for knowledge and skill in the personal injury industry. Respected for his friendly and help attitude, he has consistently helped thousands of clients, ensuring their rights are upheld. Jon's profound expertise makes him a sought-after voice in the legal community, both online and in-person.

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