Gainesville Truck Accidents


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Commercial Truck Accident Attorney in Gainesville, Florida

Compensation for Gainesville Truck Accidents

Tractor-trailer accidents occur on a regular basis, and because of the size of the vehicles involved, very serious injuries or death can occur. In addition to devastating physical injuries, those involved in truck accidents also have to contend with severe emotional and financial stress as a result of the collision.

Types of damages you can receive compensation for include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement and scarring

In most cases, accident victims will need an experienced attorney to handle their lawsuits. Our tractor-trailer accident lawyers at the Eberst Law Firm can help you get the compensation you deserve, as well as make sure the careless actions of a negligent truck driver don’t go unpunished.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Some truck accidents are simply accidents, the results of bad weather or hazardous road conditions unknown to the drivers of the vehicles involved. However, if you believe the accident was caused by a negligent truck driver, you are entitled to seek compensation for damages and hold them liable. Examples of truck driver negligence include:

Other ways the trucking company can be held liable for tractor-trailer accidents don’t even involve the drivers themselves. The trucking company could be liable in the following situations:

  • Overscheduling truck drivers past legal limits resulting in fatigued driving
  • Hiring inexperienced drivers
  • Not providing proper training for new drivers
  • Not maintaining vehicles properly

Other parties, like the manufacturer of the truck or the loading company, could also be liable. If the trucks themselves have defects that cause them not to operate correctly or if their cargo was not packed or secured properly, this can also result in accidents.

Proving Truck Driver Negligence

During the accident investigation process, an attorney will review police and accident reports, interview witnesses and investigate the accident scene, examine driver credentials, and determine if traffic laws were obeyed. Companies that use tractor-trailers are required to follow strict guidelines regarding driving hours and vehicle maintenance and may try to falsify records to protect themselves.

Proving negligence in a truck accident can be more complicated than a regular car accident because of the multiple parties involved, including the trucking company, the truck driver, the manufacturer of the truck itself, and you. The steps you should take are:

  1. Investigate:

    After the accident, call an attorney immediately. They will conduct their own in-depth investigation, including making sure your insurance company is giving you a fair evaluation for your damages and not short-changing you to limit their liability. If you took any pictures or videos at the scene of the accident, you should give those to your attorney during your first meeting.

  2. File A Claim:

    When the investigation is completed, and your attorney has the evidence they need, they will file a claim in court. The claim will demand compensation for the damages that are owed to you, including material losses like vehicle damage and any expenses related to medical care. The claim will assert the trucking company’s negligence and liability for the accident.

  3. Negotiations:

    Your claim can be settled in multiple ways. If your attorney can come to an agreement with the insurance company, the case will be resolved out of court with a financial settlement. If a compromise cannot be made, your case will be taken to court, where a judge or jury will determine what you are owed.

  4. Litigation:

    This step only occurs if your case goes to court. Your attorney and the insurance company will present their cases, and the judge or jury determines who is responsible for the accident and the amount of compensation that is owed. You will only pay if we win your case.

Types of Gainesville Semi-Truck Accidents

There are various different types of semi-truck accidents. The type of accident you’re involved in will not only determine the severity of your injuries, but it will also begin to tell the story of liability.

Jackknife Accidents

Semi-trucks are the most difficult vehicles to drive. The immense weight and size of a semi-truck are major contributors to their immense driving difficulty. Semi-truck trailers are typically several car lengths long and can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. This immense weight and size is also a major contributor to accidents like jackknife accidents.

jackknife accident is when the trailer of a semi-truck wraps around the side of the truck in a motion similar to a jackknife closing. Reckless braking or turning causes the momentum of a heavy trailer to move forward past the truck cab.

Rollover Accidents

rollover accident is similar to a jackknife accident in terms of the trailer losing control and causing disaster. The trailer of a semi-truck can actually tip fairly easily, and drivers need to take care to turn wide and with consideration to the force enacted on the trailer, or it can tip and roll over, crushing anything in its path like other vehicles.

Rear-End Accidents

A semi-truck actually requires over twice as big a buffer zone between it and the vehicle in front of it to have enough space to brake safely. The weight of a truck and trailer makes the momentum much stronger, so when drivers brake, the truck can still move forward for a fair distance. If the brakes malfunction or if there is not enough space to brake, then the truck can slam into the vehicle in front of it, causing a rear-end accident.

Common Injuries Associated with Gainesville Truck Accidents

Truck accidents often result in more severe injuries than car accidents simply because of their sheer size and force. While some people may walk away with minor injuries, unfortunately, that isn’t the most common scenario. Truck accidents can leave victims disabled or paralyzed. In many cases, truck accident injuries result in a large change to one’s quality of life.

Common types of injuries caused by truck accidents can include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries 
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries (sprains, strains, fractures)
  • Amputation
  • Burns

It’s not uncommon for someone to experience more than one injury. For example, a truck accident victim could have multiple broken bones and a head injury. Because trucks are so large in size and weight, resulting injuries often encompass the entire body. These injuries can be expensive, resulting in financial stress. Truck accident victims could pay thousands to hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of dollars in medical expenses.

Not only that, but truck accident victims often experience a great change in their quality of life. It can be extremely difficult to adapt to an injury or disability. Victims may experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder as a result.

Because of the huge financial, mental, and physical impact an injury can have on a person, it’s vital to hire an experienced truck accident attorney to get you full and fair compensation for these damages. It’s more than just medical bills, and the lawyers at the Eberst Law Firm understand that.

Experienced Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys in Gainesville, Florida

We will answer any questions you may have, explain your legal rights, and help you through every step of this difficult process. We are committed to each client. We’ll help them receive the compensation they deserve.

If you have been injured in a tractor-trailer accident, contact The Eberst Law Firm online or call our Gainesville office at 772-225-4900 to discuss your case in a free consultation with one of our experienced Gainesville truck accident attorneys.

About the Author of this Page: The above information was written or reviewed by one of the attorneys at The Eberst Law Firm, who have extensive experience trying legal cases outside and inside courtrooms throughout Florida. This article was also extensively researched to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you want to know more about the author of this page, view our attorney bios here.

Our Location

Gainesville, Florida Office
716 E. University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
(352) 269-0017

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