Gainesville Home Insurance Claims

Filing a Gainesville Home Insurance Claim
If your home, business, or other property has been damaged, you may have a legitimate insurance claim. Fire, hurricanes, sinkholes, floods, theft, vandalism and other losses are covered by homeowner’s insurance. However, insurance companies often have attorneys working for them that can lead to legitimate insurance claims denied or underpaid. Even before considering payment of a claim, insurance companies will often require the claimer to undergo rigorous investigations and large volumes of paperwork. These early stages are critical to the outcomes of your claim. If you have a homeowner’s insurance claim that is under dispute, our Gainesville Insurance Claim lawyers can help resolve your dispute and get you the money you deserve.
Why Was My Claim Denied?
If your claim to an insurance company was denied, there are several possible reasons for it. The insurer should be able to explain what the issue is, and it can be for simple reasons such as your insurance policy does not cover the type of damage, or the damage occurred outside the parameters of the insurance coverage period.
If the denial is based upon a misunderstanding, such as a typographical error, you may be able to resolve the matter by sending your insurance company a rebuttal of the denial. Be sure to include evidence supporting your position, such as photographs of damage or receipts for stolen items.
“Bad Faith” Insurance
Insurance companies will sometimes engage in “bad faith” practices. Bad faith practices refer to any way the insurance company will seek ways to escape their obligation to either investigate your claim or to pay you all that you are entitled to. Ways that insurance companies go about this can include:
- A denial of coverage that is flat-out unwarranted and without a legitimate reason
- Failure to communicate pertinent information to the property owner
- Conducting an investigation of the claim that is not thorough
- Refusing to pay the claim within a reasonable amount of time, in the hope that the insured will compromise and accept less
- Not disclosing limits on the insurance policy, making the insured believe they were more covered than they actually were
Insurance companies have also tried to avoid payment of a claim by using personal history to levy allegations of fraud at claimers. Their reasoning may include immigration status, records of past employment, or any criminal history. However, none of these things are valid reasons for a denial of a claim, and our team of experts can help you prove you were denied in bad faith.
Why Do Insurance Companies Commit Bad Faith?
In order to best deal with the denial of a home insurance claim and other ways an insurance company might commit bad faith, it is important to understand their motivation. The bottom line is that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. Despite what they may try to tell you, they are not your friend or ally. Their primary motivation is to make a profit which means keeping as much money in their pockets as possible while taking payments from clients. It is within their best interest to do everything to deny your claim and limit the amount of money you might receive in a settlement.
Insurance companies have an obligation to adhere to the letter of the law and the policies that their clients take out but no more or no less. Those that have home insurance claims must be prepared to deal with the subtleties of navigating a home insurance claim. In order to best do this, it is highly recommended that someone filing a home insurance claim hire an experienced personal injury attorney that specializes in these kinds of cases.
Experienced Car Crash Attorneys in Gainesville
We will answer any questions you may have, explain their legal rights, and help them through every step of the process of determining if you were unfairly denied a homeowner’s insurance claim.
We are committed to each client and helping them receive the full compensation they deserve from insurance companies acting in bad faith.
If you believe your claim was unfairly denied and your insurance company is acting in bad faith, contact The Eberst Law Firm online or call our Gainesville office at 772-225-4900 to discuss your case in a free consultation with one of our experienced Gainesville Homeowner’s Insurance Claim attorneys.
About the Author of this Page: The above information was written or reviewed by one of the attorneys at The Eberst Law Firm who have extensive experience trying legal cases outside and inside courtrooms throughout Florida. This article was also extensively researched to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you want to know more about the author of this page, view our attorney bios here.