How Does a Florida Personal Injury Claim Work?

The Personal Injury Claim Process in Florida Accidents happen. A common phrase we are all familiar with yet the gravity of what it means eludes us until that accident does eventually occur and we are stuck with severe injuries as a result. Dangerous accidents can occur in a myriad of settings in a number of ways. From the common car accidents on the job. We all are at risk in some way or another. Many of these accidents may be the result of a party who had some idea of a present risk that could lead to the accident but failed to take measures to address the issue. This makes them negligent and possibly liable for your injuries. If this is the case with you then you may be able to seek compensation for the injuries that you suffered with a personal injury claim. What is a Personal Injury Claim? A personal injury claim is a form of civil tort where a person is able to hold those whose negligence led to their injuries accountable if they can be considered liable for the claimant’s wellbeing. Personal injury claims allow people to help deal with severe damages that come with accident injuries. Many accident...

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

Summary What does a personal injury lawyer do? They do a great deal to help clients obtain maximum compensation. One of a personal injury attorney’s most important jobs is to investigate an accident to collect the proof needed to strengthen a client’s case. A lawyer will also negotiate with insurers to obtain a fair settlement. If the insurer refuses to make that offer, an attorney will be ready to take them to court. Other essential responsibilities include performing legal research, advising clients, and providing post-settlement or post-trial assistance. [lwptoc depth="3" width="full" skipHeadingText="Summary"] If you’re wondering, “What does a personal injury lawyer do?” here’s some information to answer the question. An attorney will help you obtain the compensation you deserve if you’ve suffered an injury due to another’s carelessness. But they’ll do much more than that, as you’ll see in this article. The Eberst Law Firm is ready to help you get justice from those responsible for your suffering. We value our clients and we are invested in helping you recover fair compensation for your damages. Our accomplished legal team can offer you individualized attention and access to our resources. You can use our online contact form to schedule a free...

What Qualifies as a Catastrophic Injury in Florida?

Summary A catastrophic injury can change a victim’s life forever, often robbing them of the quality of life they once enjoyed. Two of the most common catastrophic injuries include traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. Severe fractures, amputations, and horrible burns can also be catastrophic. An experienced personal injury attorney can help catastrophic injury victims obtain the compensation they deserve. [lwptoc depth="3" width="full" skipHeadingText="Summary"] A catastrophic injury has long-term, life-altering consequences for the victim. These injuries often result in significant physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Victims can seek compensation by filing a lawsuit against the party or parties responsible for their suffering. The Eberst Law Firm is ready to help if you're in this terrible situation. We have years of experience obtaining compensation for our clients, and we’ll do all we can to do the same for you. Please call 772-225-5566 or contact us online for a free consultation. We have offices in Daytona Beach, Stuart, and Gainesville, Florida. The following are some examples of a catastrophic injury and information on how a skilled personal injury lawyer can help victims obtain justice. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) This is one of the most prevalent and devastating forms of catastrophic injury...

What City in Florida Has the Most Car Accidents?

Summary Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and Fort Lauderdale are the cities with the most car accidents in Florida. State leaders have implemented programs to reduce the disturbing statistics regarding Florida car wrecks. A skilled attorney can help maximize your compensation if you’re hurt in a car accident caused by someone else. [lwptoc depth="3" skipHeadingText="summary"] As you might expect, most car accidents in Florida occur in the biggest cities. What city in Florida has the most car accidents? Jacksonville has the most people in our state and the most devastating vehicle wrecks. The following is a look at the disturbing number of car wrecks throughout Florida. No matter where you live in Florida, the risk of getting in an accident is high. If you ever suffer an injury in a car wreck that wasn’t your fault, The Eberst Law Firm will be ready to help you obtain fair compensation. Please give us a call at 772-225-5566 or use our online form for a no-cost review of your case. Disturbing Statistics There were 392,515 motor vehicle accidents in Florida in 2023, resulting in 250,716 severe injuries and 3,351 tragic deaths. The only good news regarding these numbers is they went down from...

The Devastation of Head-on Car Accidents

Summary Head-on car accidents kill thousands of people each year in the US. Hiring a car accident attorney will provide injury victims with the best chance of achieving a positive outcome. Head-on collisions are particularly dangerous because they typically lead to severe injuries and fatalities. Cases involving this type of wreck can be very complex, requiring the help of a skilled lawyer. Victims and their families must hire a legal representative quickly so their lawyers can collect evidence before it disappears. [lwptoc depth="3" skipHeadingText="Summary"] Head-on car accidents are among the most common types of car accidents, yet some of the most devastating as well, often resulting in life-altering consequences for those involved. The following is a look at the profound impact of these accidents and why victims must get legal help as soon as possible to hold those responsible for their suffering accountable for their negligence. The attorneys with The Eberst Law Firm are ready to do precisely that. We’ll do everything possible to help you obtain every dollar you deserve. You can schedule a free consultation by calling 772-225-5566 or contacting us online. A Brief Overview of Head-On Car Accidents Head-on collisions occur when the front ends of two...

The Importance of Medical Records in Your Gainesville Personal Injury Case

Summary Medical records in a personal injury case are critical to obtaining compensation. Getting medical help after an accident is vital to your health and your case. Medical records will show the accident caused your injury and provide evidence of the necessary treatment. Obtaining records can be challenging, but an attorney can help if you have issues. [lwptoc min="2" depth="6" hierarchical="0" numeration="decimalnested" labelShow="show" labelHide="hide" hideItems="0" skipHeadingLevel="" skipHeadingText="Summary"] Medical records in a personal injury case are essential. You can’t overstate their importance. These records are often the backbone of any case because they show the severity of a victim’s injury and the treatment they need. It’s not an exaggeration to say medical records often make or break a victim’s chances of obtaining fair compensation. The following is a look at why medical records will be the cornerstone of your case and how to get them. The Eberst Law Firm will be here for you if you’ve suffered an injury due to another’s negligence. We can investigate the accident, help you gather records, and do whatever else it takes for you to get the money you deserve. Please schedule a free consultation by calling 772-225-5566 or contacting us online. Understanding Personal Injury...

Using Video Evidence to Win a Gainesville Personal Injury Claim

[lwptoc width="full"] Video evidence is both compelling and reliable, as it can’t be questioned. Most often, what you see in video evidence is undeniable. If the at-fault party has previously denied fault or even denied that the accident occurred at all, video evidence can easily prove them wrong. There are plenty of cameras out there that are constantly recording, meaning that it’s always possible to have your accident captured on tape without you even realizing it. Footage can be deleted, so it’s essential that your attorney contacts anyone in the area who might have had a video of the accident before it’s too late. Types of Video Footage Commonly Used in Gainesville Personal Injury Cases Various types of cameras are constantly rolling and may happen to catch your accident, including: Dashcams: Some vehicles come with built-in dashcams, so your vehicle may have captured the car accident as it occurred. Law enforcement: Frequently, local law enforcement will have video cameras set up around the city for the sole purpose of catching accidents and crimes. Indoor or outdoor security cameras: Most businesses have the security of some kind, either outdoor, indoor, or both. If there were any businesses near the scene of...

Common Causes of Back and Neck Injuries

Back and neck injuries are common, often debilitating, and can significantly impact a person's quality of life. While 80% of people in the U.S. suffer back pain at some time in their lives, about 18,000 people suffer severe spinal cord injuries. There are a lot of reasons people suffer from back and neck pain. Many of them are hurt due to injuries, such as motor vehicles, slip and falls, and workplace accidents. If you fall in the latter category and someone else caused the accident, The Eberst Law Firm is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Here’s a closer look at some of the accidents that can result in severe back and neck injuries. Please schedule a free consultation by calling 1-888-CALL-JON or contacting us online. Motor Vehicle Accidents Vehicle accidents resulted in severe injuries to more than 250,000 motorists and passengers in Florida in 2022. Any type of accident involving a vehicle can lead to potentially devastating injuries. Here are the most common: Car Accidents The force generated during a collision, even in seemingly minor accidents, can have a severe impact on the human body. One of the most frequent injuries resulting from car accidents is whiplash....

Paralysis After a Personal Injury Accident

Suffering a paralyzing injury after an accident can bring emotional, physical, and financial challenges that others can’t comprehend. This terrible injury happens to about 18,000 people in the U.S. yearly. Those responsible for this suffering must pay dearly for the misery they’ve caused. If someone’s negligence caused an accident resulting in paralysis, please contact The Eberst Law Firm as soon as possible. We’ll not only ensure you know your rights, but we’ll also fight for them. Our attorneys will do everything they can to help you obtain every dollar of compensation you deserve. You can schedule a free consultation by calling 1-888-CALL-JON or contacting us online. What is Paralysis, and How Can Personal Injury Accidents Cause it? Paralysis is a medical condition characterized by losing muscle function in one or more body parts. This loss of function often stems from damage to the nervous system, which serves as the body's communication network. There are several types of paralysis, but two of the most common arising from personal injury accidents are paraplegia and quadriplegia. Paraplegia is a form of paralysis that affects the lower half of the body, typically involving both legs and sometimes parts of the lower trunk. It often...

Common Causes of Internal Injuries in Stuart Personal Injury Accidents

There were 1,546 non-fatal accident injuries in Martin County requiring hospitalization in 2021. More than half of those (800) occurred due to falls, and another 262 due to traffic accidents. Many accident victims suffered severe internal injuries that dramatically affected their quality of life. Recognizing the importance of understanding internal injuries can’t be overstated. While external injuries are often visible and receive immediate attention, internal injuries can go unnoticed, leading to delayed treatment and worsening conditions. Early detection and proper medical care can be lifesaving in such cases. If you suffered an injury in a Stuart personal injury accident that wasn’t your fault, don’t hesitate to contact The Eberst Law Firm online or call 1-888-CALL-JON for a free consultation. We’ll work to help you get the money you deserve. What Are Internal Injuries? Internal injuries happen in many ways. They typically don’t show signs of harm but can have severe and far-reaching consequences. Some common forms of internal injuries include: Organ damage: Injuries can damage vital organs like the liver, spleen, kidneys, or lungs due to the impact of blunt force trauma. This trauma can occur in accidents that subject the body to significant force or crushing impact. Internal bleeding:...

Recovering Lost Wages After a Personal Injury Accident in Florida

Experts estimate that people hurt away from their jobs lost 540 million work days in 2021. That translates to hundreds of millions of dollars in lost wages. When someone’s negligence causes a severe injury, the victim shouldn’t bear that financial burden. The attorneys with The Eberst Law Firm can help you recover your lost wages, medical bills, and other damages. Call 1-888-CALL-JON or contact us online for a free consultation. Types of Personal Injury Cases that May Result in Lost Wages Nearly any kind of accident can lead to a debilitating personal injury. These are some of the accidents that happen most often. Car accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of personal injuries that can lead to lost wages. If you’re injured in a car accident due to another driver's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for the time you miss from work while recovering. Slip and fall incidents: Slip and fall accidents on poorly maintained property can also result in injuries that prevent you from working. You can hold the property owner responsible for your lost wages if their negligence led to your injury. Medical malpractice: Medical errors or negligence by healthcare providers can lead to...

Can Insurance Adjusters Lie in Florida?

There were 395,887 car wrecks in Florida in 2022. While many were relatively minor fender-benders that didn’t involve insurance claims, thousands of others resulted in severe injuries and deaths. Victims and family members filed lawsuits against the insurance companies covering the at-fault drivers. This, of course, meant the involvement of insurance adjusters. Navigating the world of insurance claims can be complex and daunting, especially when dealing with adjusters. According to the Insurance Journal, there are about 175,000 of them in Florida. These professionals play a crucial role in the claims process, but concerns about their honesty and tactics aren’t uncommon. The following is a look at some tricks adjusters try to play to deny legitimate claims. You don’t have to accept this unethical behavior. An attorney with The Eberst Law Firm will stand up for your rights and help you get every dollar you have coming, whether you’ve suffered an injury in a car wreck, slip and fall, or any other type of accident that wasn’t your fault. Schedule a free consultation by contacting us online or calling 1-888-CALL-JON. What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do? Insurance adjusters evaluate and manage insurance claims. They assess the extent of damages, injuries, or...