Why is Driving Under the Influence so Dangerous?  

Even though everyone knows that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is dangerous, there were 814 deaths attributed to drunk driving accidents in Florida in 2019. That year, this number accounted for 26% of the state's motor vehicle accident deaths. But why, exactly, is that the case? The following information will give you a deeper understanding of why getting behind the wheel when impaired is never a good idea. The attorneys with The Eberst Law Firm can help if you’ve suffered an injury in an accident caused by an impaired driver. We have extensive experience in this area of the law, and we know how to help injury victims obtain the compensation they deserve. Schedule a free consultation by calling 1-888-CALL-JON or contacting us online. Driving Under the Influence Causes Impairment of Cognitive Abilities Consuming alcohol and drugs takes a profound toll on the central nervous system. These substances act as depressants, substantially slowing down brain function. This, in turn, disrupts the brain's normal functioning, impeding a person's ability to think clearly and rationally. While behind the wheel, this cognitive impairment means drivers struggle to make timely and prudent decisions. They have a hard time processing the information...

Holiday DUI Accidents

Driving while intoxicated by either alcohol or drugs is not only incredibly dangerous, but it’s also a criminal offense. Driving while under the influence can result in major fines, license suspension, and more, and that’s if the driver doesn’t cause an accident. In cases where the driver causes an accident, those penalties will be much greater, and they will have to face both a criminal and civil lawsuit if the victim of the accident decides to press charges. In fact, more than 25% of traffic related deaths are caused by alcohol or drug impairment, and in 2018, there were 10,511 deaths from drunk driving crashes. Do DUIs Increase Around the Holidays? During the holidays, there’s more drinking, more rushing, and overall more alcohol consumption because of family gatherings and parties. A quarter of the $49 billion dollar a year alcohol industry’s profits come from sales that occur during the months between Thanksgiving and New Years. These times are stressful, and many people turn to drinking. There are generally more alcoholic beverages available during these times as well, with families and social groups making drinks to go along with meals. So yes, DUIs do tend to increase during the holiday months because the amount of alcohol...

Drug-Related Car Accidents in Gainesville

If you’ve been involved in a car accident caused by a drugged driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous and can put the driver and all other people on the road at risk for injury or death. Injuries associated with car accidents can be life-changing, causing devastating injuries that last throughout one’s life. However, if you’ve been injured in a car accident with a drugged driver, you may be able to file a claim against them to recover damages associated with your injuries. DUI Statistics for Florida and United States There are a shocking amount of accidents caused by DUI in the United States each year. In Florida in 2017, there were 5,125 accidents that involved the use of drugs or alcohol in at least one driver. Out of those accidents, there were 3,035 people who suffered injuries and 374 deaths. In the United States, DUIs cause about 28% of all traffic-related deaths while drugs cause approximately 16% specifically. In 2019, there were 10,142 car accident fatalities associated with driving under the influence. When ranking the states on who has the most DUIs, Florida comes in at number 40, with 32,127 DUI...

Florida Cracking Down on Drugged Driving

Were you injured by a Florida driver who was high on marijuana? It can be challenging to keep track of the laws regulating marijuana, especially since the laws are constantly changing, laws vary from state to state, and medical marijuana was recently just legalized in Florida in 2016. All across the US, laws regulating marijuana are nearly impossible to keep up with; in some states marijuana is illegal, in some it’s legal for medical purposes, and in others it is legal for recreational use. One thing is certain, however: driving while under the influence of marijuana is ALWAYS illegal in Florida. Please view FindLaw’s article to obtain extensive information regarding the laws that govern marijuana use in Florida. Florida’s Driving While High Campaign: “Drive Baked, Get Busted” The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) campaign “Drive Baked, Get Busted” aims to inform Floridians about the risks of impaired driving and to educate them regarding the laws that regulate impaired driving. FHSMV’s website outlines five indications of marijuana impairment that make driving while high so dangerous. Those 5 impairments are: Slowed reaction time Limited short-term memory functions Decreased hand-eye coordination Weakened concentration Difficulty perceiving time and distance It isn’t difficult to see why it is...

Sobering Statistics about Drunk Driving in Florida

Dangers of Drunk Driving in Florida The time us upon us to enjoy whiskey-spiked eggnog and other celebratory drinks at holiday parties or gatherings, and although Florida has experienced an incredible seven percent decrease in drunk-driving related fatalities in the last year, there is no such thing as too much improvement in this area.  In 2017, 839 people lost their lives in Florida due to DUI related crashes.  As a nation and in Florida, drunk drivers are the largest cause of traffic deaths, accounting for nearly a third of the nation’s traffic fatalities. We at The Eberst Law Firm invite you to read our below article to remind you of the legal ramifications of driving while intoxicated, inform you about the methods that are in place that aim to reduce drunk driving, and assist you with how to handle your claim if you or a loved one have unfortunately been struck by a drunk driver.  Additionally, please see our article regarding holiday driving safety and review the subsection “Eat & Be Merry, but Drink Responsibly” for tips about how to drive safely if you do plan to partake in alcoholic drinks this holiday season.  Additionally, please review this Blood Alcohol Level Chart provided by Nolo...